Guild members Dio Eraclea and Lucciola discover the downed Guild Starfish and its dead pilot in the palace ruins. When reviewing the video records of the Guild Starfish, Dio takes an interest in Claus. At the Imperial Capital, Tatiana reports to the Emperor that Alvis has been safely delivered. Aboard the Silvana, Alvis wanders into the hangar with the flight deck crew, until Sophia reunites her with Claus and Lavie. Claus is taken to meet Alexander, who questions his reasons for protecting Alvis and his reasons for being a pilot. Before Claus can answer, they are interrupted by eighteen approaching Guild Starfish. Lavie questions the reputation of the Silvana as the safest place in the world. The Silvana, unable to effectively defend itself, is boarded by a Guild Starfish. However, Godwin destroys the Guild Starfish, while damaging Claus and Lavis's vanship. Unable to escape on their damaged vanship, Claus and Lavie are allowed to join the fight on a spare combat vanship.